When using a coupon, can you pay extra to change the items included with a coupon?


Unfortunately not, the items within a Meal Deal are fixed.  With a coupon, you can select a sandwich, packet of crisps and a drink.  For example, if you wanted fruit instead of crisps, you would have to pay for the fruit separately in addition to the coupon.

Latest Blogs

The Flavour Garden: A Year of Flourishing


Can you believe it’s been almost a year since we embarked on an exciting journey with The Flavour Garden? Thanks to the University’s generous support,

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Hydration Stations


We’re excited to announce we have installed Hydration Stations across campus, keeping you hydrated all year round! You can visit the water stations on our

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Welcome to… The FlavUOR Garden!


At The University of Reading, we are constantly striving to find sustainable practices to achieve our target of being Net Zero Carbon by 2030. By

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